Properties and Changes of Matter Chapter Review Answers Glencoe

Problem i

A Create a tabular array that describes the three common states of thing in
terms of their shape, volume, and compressibilit


Janos S.

Numerade Educator

Problem 2

Describe the characteristics that place a sample of matter as a substance.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 3

Classify each of the following equally a physical or a chemical proper
\brainstorm{array}{l}{\text { a. Iron and oxygen course rust. }} \\ {\text { b. Iron is more dense than aluminum. }} \\ {\text { c. Magnesium burns brightly when ignited. }} \\ {\text { d. Oil and water do not mix. }} \\ {\text { east. Mercury melts at }-39^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \text { . }}\end{array}


Janos South.

Numerade Educator

Problem 4

Organize Create a nautical chart that compares physical and chemical properties. Give
two examples for each blazon of proper.

Ali M.

Problem five

Use the information in the table to reply the following questions.
How many grams of bromine reacted? How many grams of compound were formed?

Ali M.

Problem 6

From a laboratory procedure designed to divide water into hydrogen and oxygen gas,
a student collected 10.0 thou of hydrogen and 79.4 thousand of oxygen. How much water was
originally involved in the process?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble vii

A pupil advisedly placed 15.6 g of sodium in a reactor supplied with an excess quantity
of chlorine gas. When the reaction was consummate, the educatee obtained 39.vii thou of sodium
chloride. Summate how many grams of chlorine gas reacted. How many grams of
sodium reacted?


Janos South.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 8

A 10.0-thou sample of magnesium reacts with oxygen to form 16.half-dozen k of magnesium oxide.
How many grams of oxygen reacted?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble nine

Challenge 106.5 g of HCl(g) react with an unknown corporeality of $\mathrm{NH}_{3}(\mathrm{grand})$ to produce 157.5 $\mathrm{g}$ of $\mathrm{NH}_{4} \mathrm{Cl}(\mathrm{s})$ . How many grams of $\mathrm{NH}_{3}(\mathrm{chiliad})$ reacted? Is the law of conservation of
mass observed in the reaction? Justify your respond.

Ali M.

Trouble ten

A Classify each instance as a physical alter or a chemical change.
\begin{array}{l}{\text { a. crushing an aluminum can }} \\ {\text { b. recycling used aluminum cans to make new aluminum cans }} \\ {\text { c. aluminum combining with oxygen to form aluminum oxide }}\end{assortment}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem eleven

Depict the results of a physical change and list iii examples of physical

Ali M.

Trouble 12

Draw the results of a chemical change. Listing four indicators of chemical

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem thirteen

Summate Solve each of the following.
\begin{array}{50}{\text { a. In the complete reaction of } 22.99 \mathrm{1000} \text { of sodium with } 35.45 \mathrm{1000} \text { of chlorine, what }} \\ {\text { mass of sodium chloride is formed? }}\end{assortment}
\begin{array}{l}{\text { b. } A 12.ii \text { -g sample of } X \text { reacts with a sample of } Y \text { to class } 78.9 \text { g of } X Y . \text { What }} \\ {\text { is the mass of } Y \text { that reacted? }}\end{assortment}


Janos South.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 14

Evaluate A friend tells you, "Because composition does not change
during a physical change, the appearance of a substance does non change."
Is your friend correct? Explain.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 15

A Classify each of the following as either a heterogeneous or a
homogeneous mixture.
a. tap water $\quad$ b. air $\quad$ c. raisin muffin


Janos Southward.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 16

Compare mixtures and substances.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 17

Describe the separation technique that could be used to carve up each of the
following mixture.
\begin{assortment}{l}{\text { a. ii colorless liquids }} \\ {\text { b. a nondissolving solid mixed with a liquid }} \\ {\text { c. ruddy and blueish marbles of the same size and mass }}\finish{array}


Janos S.

Numerade Educator

Problem xviii

Design a concept map that summarizes the relationships amidst matter,
elements, mixtures, compounds, pure substances, homogeneous mixtures, and
heterogeneous mixtures.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 19

A 78.0 -g sample of an unknown compound contains 12.4 k of
hydrogen. What is the percent by mass of hydrogen in the compound?


Janos S.

Numerade Educator

Problem 20

ane.0 $\mathrm{thousand}$ of hydrogen reacts completely with 19.0 $\mathrm{g}$ of fluorine. What is the
percent by mass of hydrogen in the compound that is formed?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 21

If 3.5 $\mathrm{yard}$ of element $\mathrm{Ten}$ reacts with 10.v $\mathrm{g}$ of chemical element $\mathrm{Y}$ to form the
compound $\mathrm{XY},$ what is the percent by mass of element $\mathrm{X}$ in the
compound? The per centum by mass of element $\mathrm{Y}$ ?

Ali M.

Problem 22

Two unknown compounds are tested. Chemical compound I contains 15.0 $\mathrm{g}$ of
hydrogen and 120.0 g of oxygen. Compound II contains 2.0 $\mathrm{g}$ of
hydrogen and 32.0 $\mathrm{g}$ of oxygen. Are the compounds the same? Explain
your answer.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 23

Challenge All you know nearly two unknown compounds is that they
have the same per centum by mass of carbon. With just this information,
can you exist sure the two compounds are the aforementioned? Explicate.

Ali M.

Trouble 24

Compare and contrast elements and compounds.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 25

Describe the bones organizational feature of the periodic table of the elements.

Ali M.

Problem 26

Explain how the law of definite proportions applies to compounds.

Ali M.

Problem 27

State the type of compounds that are compared in the law of multiple

Ali M.

Problem 28

Consummate the table, and so analyze the datat to determine if Compounds I
and ll are the same compound. If the compounds are different, use the law of
multiple proportions to evidence the relationship between them.

Ali M.

Problem 29

Summate the mass percent of hydrogen in water and the mass pct of
oxygen in water.

Ali M.

Trouble 30

Graph Create a graph that illustrates the law of multiple proportions.

Ali M.

Problem 31

Listing 3 examples of substances. Explain why each is a

Ali M.

Problem 32

Is carbon dioxide gas a pure substance? Explain.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 33

List at least three physical properties of water.

Ali M.

Problem 34

Place each physical property as extensive or intensive.
\brainstorm{assortment}{ll}{\text { a. melting indicate }} & {\text { c. density }} \\ {\text { b. mass }} & {\text { d. length }}\stop{array}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 35

"Properties are not affected by changes in temperature
and pressure." Is this statement true or false? Explain.

Ali M.

Problem 36

List the three states of matter, and requite an example for
each land. Differentiate betwixt a gas and a vapor.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 37

Classify each as either a solid, a liquid, or a gas at room temperature.
\begin{array}{ll}{\text { a. milk }} & {\text { d. helium }} \\ {\text { b. air }} & {\text { e. diamond }} \\ {\text { c. copper }} & {\text { f. candle wax }}\end{assortment}

Ali M.

Problem 38

Classify each as a physical belongings or a chemical belongings.
\begin{array}{l}{\text { a. Aluminum has a silvery colour. }} \\ {\text { b. Gold has a density of 19 } \mathrm{grand} / \mathrm{cm}^{3} \text { . }} \\ {\text { c. Sodium ignites when dropped in h2o. }}\end{assortment}
\begin{assortment}{50}{\text { d. Water boils at } 100^{\circ} \mathrm{C} \text { . }} \\ {\text { e. Argent tarnishes. }} \\ {\text { f. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature. }}\stop{array}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 39

A carton of milk is poured into a bowl. Describe the
changes that occur in the milks shape and volume.

Ali M.

Trouble 40

Boiling H2o At what temperature would 250 $\mathrm{mL}$ of
water boil? 1000 $\mathrm{mL}$ ? Is the boiling point an intensive or
extensive belongings? Explicate.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 41

Chemical Analysis A scientist wants to identify an
unknown compound on the basis of its concrete backdrop. The substance is a white solid at room temperature. Attempts to determine its boiling betoken were unsuccessful. Using Table 3.6, name the unknown chemical compound.

Ali M.

Problem 42

Label each set of diagrams in Figure three.22 as a concrete
or a chemical change.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 43

Classify each as a physical change or a chemical change.
\begin{array}{l}{\text { a. breaking a pencil in ii }} \\ {\text { b. water freezing and forming ice }} \\ {\text { c. frying an egg }} \\ {\text { d. burning wood }} \\ {\text { eastward. leaves irresolute colors in the fall }}\stop{array}

Ali M.

Problem 44

Ripening Is the process of bananas ripening a chemical
change or a physical modify? Explain.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 45

Is a change in stage a concrete alter or a chemical
modify? Explicate.

Ali M.

Problem 46

Listing 4 indicators that a chemical modify has probably occured.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 47

Rust Iron and oxygen combine to form iron oxide, or
rust. Listing the reactants and products of this reaction.

Ali M.

Problem 48

Burning Candle After burning for three hours, a candle has lost half of its mass. Explain why this example
does not violate the law of conservation of mass.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 49

Describe the difference between a physical change and a
chemic change.

Ali M.

Problem 50

Ammonia Production $\mathrm{A} 28.0$ -one thousand sample of nitrogen gas
combines completely with vi.0 $\mathrm{g}$ of hydrogen gas to form
ammonia. What is the mass of ammonia formed?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 51

A xiii.0 -thousand sample of Ten combines with a $34.0-\mathrm{one thousand}$ sample of
$\mathrm{Y}$ to form the chemical compound $\mathrm{XY}_{2} .$ What is the mass of the

Ali M.

Problem 52

If 45.98 $\mathrm{g}$ of sodium combines with an backlog of chlorine
gas to grade 116.89 $\mathrm{g}$ of sodium chloride, what mass of
chlorine gas is used in the reaction?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 53

A substance breaks down into its component elements
when information technology is heated. If 68.0 g of the substance is present
before it is heated, what is the combined mass of the
component elements later heating?

Ali M.

Trouble 54

Copper sulfide is formed when copper and sulfur are
heated together. In this reaction, 127 $\mathrm{g}$ of copper reacts
with 41 $\mathrm{thousand}$ of sulfur. After the reaction is complete, 9 $\mathrm{1000}$ of
sulfur remains unreacted. What is the mass of copper
sulfide formed?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 55

When called-for 180 of glucose in the presence of
192 of oxygen, water and carbon dioxide are
produced. If 108 gof water is produced, how much
carbon dioxide is produced?

Ali M.

Trouble 56

Describe the characteristics of a mixture.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 57

Proper name the separation method illustrated in Figure 3.23

Regina H.

Regina H.

Numerade Educator

Problem 58

Draw a method that could be used to separate each mixture.
\brainstorm{array}{ll}{\text { a. iron filings and sand }} & {\text { c. the components of ink }} \\ {\text { b. sand and salt }} & {\text { d. helium and oxygen gases }}\cease{array}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 59

"A mixture is the chemical bonding of two or more sub-
stances in any proportion." Is this statement true or
false? Explain.

Ali M.

Problem 60

Which of the post-obit are the aforementioned and which are different?
\begin{assortment}{50}{\text { a. a substance and a pure substance }} \\ {\text { b. a heterogeneous mixture and a solution }} \\ {\text { c. a substance and a mixture }} \\ {\text { d. a homogeneous mixture and a solution }}\terminate{array}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 61

Draw how a homogeneous mixture differs from a heterogeneous mixture.

Ali M.

Trouble 62

Seawater is composed of salt, sand, and water. Is seawater a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture? Explain.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 63

Iced Tea Utilise iced tea with and without water ice cubes equally
examples to explain homogeneous and heterogeneous
mixtures. If you allow all of the ice cubes to melt, what
type of mixture remains?

Ali M.

Problem 64

Chromatography What is chromatography, and how
does it work?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 66

Right the post-obit statements.
\begin{assortment}{l}{\text { a. An element is a combination of two or more }} \\ {\text { compounds. }} \\ {\text { b. When a pocket-size amount of sugar is completely dissolved }} \\ {\text { in water, a heterogeneous solution is formed. }}\end{array}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 67

Name the elements contained in the following compounds.
\brainstorm{array}{ll}{\text { a. sodium chloride }(\mathrm{NaCl})} & {\text { c. ethanol }\left(\mathrm{C}_{2} \mathrm{H}_{6} \mathrm{O}\right)} \\ {\text { b. ammonia }\left(\mathrm{NH}_{3}\right)} & {\mathrm{d} \text { bromine }\left(\mathrm{Br}_{2}\right)}\stop{assortment}

Ali M.

Problem 68

What was Dmitri Mendeleev'due south major contribution to the
field of chemistry?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 69

Is it possible to distinguish between an chemical element and a
chemical compound? Explain.

Ali M.

Trouble 70

How are the properties of a compound related to those
of the elements that comprise it?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 71

Which law states that a compound ever contains the
same elements in the aforementioned proportion by mass?

Ali M.

Problem 72

\begin{array}{l}{\text { a. What is the percent past mass of carbon in } 44 \text { of }} \\ {\text { carbon dioxide }\left(\mathrm{CO}_{2}\right) ?} \\ {\text { b. What is the percent by mass of oxygen in } 44 \mathrm{yard} \text { of }} \\ {\text { carbon dioxide }\left(\mathrm{CO}_{2}\right) ?}\end{array}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 73

Complete Table 3.7 past classifying the compounds every bit
$1 : i$ or $two : 2,ane : 2$ or $2 : 1,$ and $1 : 3$ or $three : 1 .$

Ali M.

Problem 74

A $25.3-\mathrm{g}$ sample of an unknown compound contains
0.8 $\mathrm{g}$ of oxygen. What is the per centum by mass of oxygen
in the chemical compound?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 75

Magnesium combines with oxygen to class magnesium
oxide. If 10.57 yard of magnesium reacts completely with
6.96 thousand of oxygen, what is the percent by mass of oxygen
in magnesium oxide?

Ali M.

Trouble 76

When mercury oxide is heated, it decomposes into
mercury and oxygen. If 28.four g of mercury oxide decom-
poses, producing 2.0 $\mathrm{1000}$ of oxygen, what is the percent by
mass of mercury in mercury oxide?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 77

Carbon reacts with oxygen to form two different compounds. Chemical compound I contains iv.82 thousand of carbon for
every 6.44 chiliad of oxygen. Compound 2 contains twenty.13 $\mathrm{g}$
of carbon for every 53.vii $\mathrm{thou}$ of oxygen. What is the ratio of
carbon to a fixed mass of oxygen for the two compounds?

Ali M.

Problem 78

A 100 -g sample of an unknown salt contains 64 one thousand of
chlorine. What is the percent past mass of chlorine in the

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 79

Which law would you employ to compare $\mathrm{CO}$ and $\mathrm{CO}_{2}$ ?
Explicate. Without doing whatever calculations, determine
which of the two compounds has the highest percent
by mass of oxygen in the chemical compound.

Ali M.

Problem 81

Which state(southward) of matter are compressible? Which
state(s) of matter are not compressible? Explicate.

Ali M.

Problem 82

Classify each mixture as homogeneous or heterogeneous.
\begin{assortment}{l}{\text { a. brass (an alloy of zinc and copper) }} \\ {\text { b. a salad }} \\ {\text { c. blood }} \\ {\text { d. powdered drinkable mix dissolved in water }}\end{assortment}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 83

Phosphorus combines with hydrogen to class phosphine. In this reaction, $123.9 \mathrm{~m}$ of phosphorus combines with excess hydrogen to produce $129.ix \mathrm{~1000}$ of phosphine. Afterward the reaction, $310 \mathrm{~g}$ of hydrogen remains unreacted. What mass of hydrogen is used in the reaction? What was the initial mass of hydrogen before the reaction?

Charotte M.

Charotte Thousand.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 84

If you accept 100 particles of hydrogen and 100 particles
of oxygen, how many units of water can y'all course? Will
you utilize all the particles of both elements? If not, what
will remain?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 85

Classify each substance as a pure substance, a homogeneous mixture, or a heterogeneous mixture.
\brainstorm{array}{llll}{\text { a. air }} & {\text { c. soil }} & {\text { due east. sediment }} \\ {\text { b. droplets }} & {\text { d. water }} & {\text { f. muddy water }}\end{array}

Ali M.

Problem 86

Place each as a homogenous mixture, a heterogeneous mixture, a compound, or an element.
\brainstorm{array}{50}{\text { a. pure drinking water }} \\ {\text { b. salty water }} \\ {\text { c. helium }}\end{array}
\begin{array}{l}{\text { d. seawater }} \\ {\text { e. air }}\terminate{array}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 87

Cooking List physical backdrop of eggs before and
after they are cooked. Based on your observations, does
a concrete modify or chemical change occur when eggs
are cooked? Justify your answer.

Ali M.

Trouble 88

Water ice Cream Y'all might have noticed that while eating ice
cream on a hot 24-hour interval, some of the ice cream begins to
melt. Is the observed change in the land of the water ice cream
a concrete or a chemical change? Justify your answer.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 89

Iced Tea Is a mixture of tea and ice homogeneous or heterogeneous? Does that change as the water ice melts?

Ali M.

Problem 90

Sodium reacts chemically with chlorine to form sodium
chloride. Is sodium chloride a mixture or a compound?

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 91

Is air a solution or a heterogeneous mixture? What technique tin be used to separate air into its components?

Ali M.

Problem 92

Indicate whether combining the following elements yields a compound or a mixture,
\begin{array}{l}{\text { a. } \mathrm{H}_{2}(\mathrm{thousand})+\mathrm{O}_{2}(\mathrm{thou}) \rightarrow \text { h2o }} \\ {\text { b. } \mathrm{Northward}_{2}(\mathrm{1000})+\mathrm{O}_{2}(\mathrm{g}) \rightarrow \text { air }}\stop{array}

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 93

Interpret Information A compound contains the elements $X$
and $Y .$ Four samples with different masses were analyzed, and the masses of $X$ and $Y$ in each sample were plotted on a graph shown in Effigy $three.24 .$ The samples
were labeled I, II, Three, and IV.
\begin{array}{fifty}{\text { a. Which samples are from the aforementioned compound? How }} \\ {\text { do you know? }} \\ {\text { b. What is the judge ratio of the mass of } X \text { to the }} \\ {\text { mass of } Y \text { in the samples that are from the same }} \\ {\text { chemical compound? }}\end{array}
\brainstorm{assortment}{l}{\text { c. What is the approximate ratio of the mass of } X \text { to the }} \\ {\text { mass of } Y \text { in the sample(s) that are not from the same }} \\ {\text { compound? }}\end{array}

Ali M.

Problem 94

Employ Air is a mixture of many gases, primarily nitrogen, oxygen, and argon. Could distillation be used to
separate air into its component gases? Explain.

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 95

Analyze Is gas escaping from an opened soft drink an
example of a chemical or a physical change? Explicate.

Ali M.

Problem 96

Apply Give examples of heterogeneous mixtures for the
systems listed in Tabular array $3.9 .$

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 97

Identify Pb Compounds A sample of a certain lead
compound contains six.46 chiliad of atomic number 82 for each gram of oxy-
gen. A second sample has a mass of 68.54 $\mathrm{g}$ and contains
28.76 $\mathrm{g}$ of oxygen. Are the two samples the same?

Ali M.

Problem 98

What is chemistry? (Affiliate ane$)$

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 100

Express the post-obit numbers in scientific notation. (Chapter ii$)$
\brainstorm{assortment}{ll}{\text { a. } 34,500} & {\text { d. } 789} \\ {\text { b. } 2665} & {\text { e. } 75,600} \\ {\text { c. } 0.9640} & {\text { f. } 0.002189}\end{array}

Ali M.

Problem 101

Perform the following operations. (Chapter 2$)$
\begin{array}{l}{\text { a. } 10^{vii} \times 10^{3}} \\ {\text { b. }\left(1.4 \times 10^{-3}\right) \times\left(5.1 . \times x^{-5}\right)} \\ {\text { c. }\left(2 \times 10^{-iii}\right) \times\left(4 \times ten^{five}\right)}\end{array}

Ali M.

Problem 102

Convert $65^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ to kelvins. (Chapter 2$)$

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Trouble 103

Graph the data in Tabular array 3.10. What is the slope of the
line? (Affiliate 2$)$

Ali M.

Trouble 104

Constructed Elements Select a synthetic element, and
set a short written report on its evolution. Be
certain to hash out recent discoveries, list major research
centers that conduct this type of research, and
describe the properties of the synthesized element.

Himanshu G.

Himanshu G.

Numerade Educator

Problem 105

\brainstorm{array}{l}{\text { a. Compare the mass percent of carbon in charcoal, }} \\ {\text { indigo, and verdigris. }} \\ {\text { b. Compare the mass percent of oxygen in iron oxide }} \\ {\text { and Egyptian blueish. }}\end{array}

Ali M.

Problem 106

List an example of an element and a compound from
Table 3.11 .

Linhan Y.

Linhan Y.

Numerade Educator

Problem 107

Is the production of charcoal from the dry out distillation
of wood a chemical or a concrete alter? Explain.

Ali M.


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